Thursday, August 18, 2011

[extreme] couponing

ever seen the shows on tv with the "extreme couponers"?  these women (and sometimes, men!) who go into stores and buy HUNDREDS of dollars worth of groceries/toiletries/cleaning supplies/you name it... and then walk away with a whopping $5.61 bill (or some ridiculously low number). 

bud and i just caught the end of one of these shows the other day. (on tlc).

my reaction: how do they do it? how can i make that happen?
bud's reaction: these people have a problem! look at their basements! and closets! they have some kind of psychiatric issue! they have a compulsive hoarding disorder!

isn't it fun to watch tv with a doctor? :)

anyway..... as a newlywed single-income couple who's "just trying to make it," i'm alllllllllll about saving money.  however, sometimes i look at these shows or read certain money-saving blogs and i think, i could spend my whole life working on this stuff... do i really have that much time?

maybe couponing is another one of the many things that fit into the "this requires a balanced approach" box.  it seems like one of those situations where you ask yourself, what is more precious... my money?... or my time?  and we all know that either answer could work, depending on the week/month/whatever.

i think, though, that i just need to continue to trust the Lord with my money.  it's fun to cut coupons, read adds, figure out where i can get the best deals, sign up for free product giveaways, etc... but ultimately, if I'm spending more time thinking about saving money than worshiping JESUS--- the giver of our money & resources........ there is a problem.

as with everything in life... i believe couponing is a heart issue.  if my heart is to save money--- great.  if that's all backed up and supported by my continuous motive to trust the Lord-------- great.  but if saving money becomes some kind of performance-based, competitive game that i play with myself..... and spend so much time thinking about it/doing it that it becomes what i think about most... worry about most... WORSHIP..... then i need the truth and grace of my sweet Shepherd to herd me back into reality.

what about you? :)
how do you help yourself/your family save money?  are you a coupon-cutter? :)  know any good/easy/low-commitment websites that have great printable coupons?
do you see your budget as something that could really take control of you--- this whole concept of saving money and budgeting as a heart issue?
feel FREE to leave a comment----- i'd loooove to hear from you!


  1. HI Ella! Just saw your blog. You rock! We do not cut coupons, but we do shop at Aldis. I think living by a budget is a great thing. I suppose it could take control of you, if you forget that God is ultimately in charge of it/you become prideful of what you have done. But on the flip side, not budgeting lets your heart's desire take control of you. Whatever you want, you get, but the end result of that is not great... So yes, either way it is a heart issue;-) I love Dave Ramsey material. Highly recommend it! I also love America's Cheapest Family (book) for some other ideas.
    Heather Slagle

  2. That show either excites me or disgusts me - the people who use the couponing to then donate huge care packages to the soldiers oversees or those in need in the community - I love them. THAT is using couponing in a great way. THose who use it to feed their family on a low budget - that is also a great purpose. People who do it so that they can travel wherever and whenever they want and have huge stockpiles in their room - that is not couponing for the right reasons. I think that we are given money as a gift, and we need to try to use it as selflessly as we can. Yes, taking care of ourselves, but also taking time to help those in need, even if that means sacrificing things for ourselves.
    My latest challenge has been being jobless and once again becoming almost completely dependent on my parents financially (after being mostly independent for a couple of years)... it's been a big struggle to deal with the idea of independence - we EXPECT to be financially independent and be able to live a certain lifestyle, but that's not always what God expects of us (I actually wrote about expectations in my blog a few weeks back - My spiritual director also recently advised me to make little sacrifices to God in my situation (yes, even more than I already have with no income!) - but even offering up the fact that you can buy the delicious, expensive cookies at the grocery this week can be a sacrifice you can give back to God. If we try to fit God into everyday aspect of our daily life, He will bless it more abundantly... or we will at least see the blessings!

  3. Hey Ella! I know you posted this a while ago, but I thought I'd offer a few tidbits. I second "anonymous." Dave Ramsey's advice is incredible, and we paid off Tom's truck and my student loan in less than 2 years (and if you knew the dollar amount, that is honestly crazily awesome). We create our monthly budget and put our cash in envelopes and try not to do any swapping between envelopes (say, using leftover grocery money for clothes). I also follow Smart Couponing on facebook. The site posts free kindle deals (the hidden ones, not the normally free books), giveaways, and other great deals online.

  4. Heather: thanks so much for all your advice (and the book ideas)!! :) I'm always looking for a new read! AND i TOTALLY think of you **every time** i go to Aldi since you commented. :)

  5. Liesl: I LOVE your perspective----- especially the part about the expensive cookies at the grocery store! I just paid some good money for some at a farmer's market this afternoon (ahh!).. THANK YOU for your reminder to look at *every purchase* as a gift from the Lord (and maybe the purchases we **don't** make as sweet offerings to Him!!!) LOVE LOVE LOVE your perspective---- can't wait to spend some time reading up on YOUR blog! thanks for sharing it! <3

  6. Amy: thanks so much for your comment!!!! I am SO INSPIRED from your story about paying off the truck/loans...... WOW! PRAISE JESUS and WAY TO GO! :) I am NOT at all attracted to the whole "cash envelope" thing of Dave Ramsey's... BUT seriously after reading your post, I'm beginning to whistle a different tune!! It might just be something I actually pursue in the near future! (we have a dave ramsey book sitting on our bookshelf; i should probably read it and look into those cash envelopes!) THANKS for your sweet advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
