Wednesday, April 18, 2012

favorite kitchen tools

saw the actors & actresses who played the Von Trapp kiddos from The Sound of Music this afternoon on The View.  it made me think of raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens..... and a few of MY favorite things.
one of my favorite rooms in the house is the kitchen, so here are a few of my favorite things for this beloved space. :)
LOVE my Microplaner--- use it to do everything from zesting lemons to finely grating hard cheeses!

my Momma got these for me and I LOVE how the magnets in the middle of the spoons stack together!  My baking drawer is a lot less cluttered due to this.  I also LOVE being able to use ONE spoon at a time and not dirty the rest of them (like in sets where they are all connected by a common ring).
On my wedding registry, I chose a KitchenAid toaster because my Momma has had hers for 10-15 years now and it's taken MANY lickins' and has kept on tickin'!  I do declare, these things are indestructible.
LOVED using this all fall and winter to puree soups!
Every baker should have a Silpat!  Much easier than fussing with Parchment Paper-- and a greener/cheaper choice, too, I'd imagine!  Buy one-two Silpats and use them *hundreds* of times!

golly, i feel so SPOILED every time i use my All-Clad pots and pans. they are so, SO nice. Heat evenly, cook things perfectly, clean up is a breeze (for a 1st time stainless-steel user, i was scared of this------ but Bar Keeper's Friend makes clean up no big deal!)  Can't say enough good things about these pots & pans!
This is a great all-purpose fryer.  Love the 12" size-- i can always fit a lot of stuff in this skillet. and love the see-through lid, too!
My Cutco knives (2 of them-  6" and 10"trimmers) were passed on to me by my husband's Grandma Vera. (you should make her Dutch Apple pie today!!)  I LOVE these knives because Cutco will sharpen your knives for FREE (you just pay s&h) -- for LIFE!  And if your knives ever wear out for any reason, they will always replace them!  WONDERFUL company, wonderful product, wonderful customer service!!!!!! 
I was introduced to this little beauty when I lived in Rome.  It's the favorite way, really, of Italians to make coffee at home.  It operates in the style of an old-fashioned "percalator" -- with water in the bottom, bubbling up through the coffee grounds and filter-- and spewing out into the top carafe until it's full of espresso goodness!
along with the Bialetti espresso pot, you've GOTTA have a way to take your milk and get it foamy for your morning cappuccino.  The cheapest way (that is SO effective!) to do this: the Aerolatte milk frother.  Go grab one today at Bed Bath!  You won't regret it!  It's great quality & lasts forever.  It will change your cappuccino forever!!!

i LOVE these cooking mats-- I use them on top of my wooden cutting board for sanitary separation of ingredients, as well as saving me time on constant clean up!  I've also used them a TON on my counter tops------ transforming any flat, hard surface into a cutting board!  Love these mats.                                       


  1. you should totally add a lemon squeezer to your list (and go buy one if you don't have one already!!) my mom bought one for me, and i thought it was a silly thing to have at first, but now i use it at LEAST a few times a week, because you get SO much more juice outta those little guys!!

    anyways, hope you're mom's doing well! (and you too of course :P)

  2. AHHH-- I am SO ashamed! I've owned a lemon squeezer since my Bridal Shower and have never used it. not once!!!!! sad!
    I think I just--- forget about it! Or don't use that much lemon juice in one sitting?--- or if I do, I use the little manual juicer (you know a twisty one, lol)---
    oh THANKS for encouraging me to remember that i own this thing! i should totally bust it out! :)
    (and if you have any favorite lemony-recipes feel free to send them my way. summer is coming!!!!!) :)
