today, September 8, 2012, marks a very epic day.
it all started with me choosing to go to a coffee shop for the first time in...... FOREVER. I turned my trusty 6-year old iPod on a sweet playlist and started journaling.
I was in my zone. Do you have a "zone"? Like-- the environment where you just... CLICK to do your very best work? For me, sitting in a coffee shop with my Bible, journal, colored pens, and other various reading material is definitely a SWEET atmosphere for me to really, really, REALLY connect with the Lord. Sure, I can connect with the Lord in a ton of other ways, too----- BUT there is just something about sitting down with a warm beverage and my journal & Bible that really opens my heart.
and to be honest............ I haven't really connected well with the Lord in weeks.
ok, Ella, be honest.......... more like...........months. :(
and the saddest part of all:
I've sort of been.................
NOT to.
In the coffee shop, at my table, as soon as I picked up my pen to write even today's date of all things at the top of my page------ IMMEDIATELY I felt the stirrings of the Holy Spirit-- that warmth-- that inner voice-of-the-Lord which says to me, "ELLA I've missed you SO MUCH! This is so wonderful!! I am so glad to be here with you!! I'm so excited to show you things and teach you today- this is going to be awesome! Yay!!" the same time, I was tempted to buy into lies, and feel exactly what the stupid, low-life enemy wants me to feel =
- shame
- guilt
- wanting to hide
- wanting to "earn" my way back in to this inner circle of sweet fellowship
.......basically everything that makes me feel like utter pond scum.
Know why?
Cause the enemy, unfortunately, knows how to push my buttons. Whatever is going on with my fellowship with the Lord, the enemy always works his same, stupid crap = trying to make me want to run and hide.. trying to make me feel guilty for the time lost. Robbing my JOY of the present moment!
Cause the enemy, unfortunately, knows how to push my buttons. Whatever is going on with my fellowship with the Lord, the enemy always works his same, stupid crap = trying to make me want to run and hide.. trying to make me feel guilty for the time lost. Robbing my JOY of the present moment!
I wrote in my journal: "O Lord, WHY haven't I had a morning date with You before now? It's been SO LONG!! I KNOW myself better than this. I just NEED to choose to get OUT of my house and go on a sweet date with You- to have that intentional time. I know better. It just... does something to my heart to be out with you on a date. It draws me out. It's how I really really MEET with You in a sweet, sweet way. It's how I can be Mary-- sitting at your feet and saying "Rabbi, teach me!"
then, I immediately wrote:
"I'm so tempted to think, "Oh I bet the Lord is saying 'SEE I TOLD you! I've been tugging at you and WHY has it taken you this long to do something about it and actually spend time with Me? I'm so disappointed with you. You have failed, Ella!..."
Well, guess what, stupid enemy.
I'm not falling for that crap today. The next thing I wrote in my journal was =
BUT LORD -- THAT'S NOT TRUE! That is NOT Your voice.
Immediately, the Lord drew me to Luke 15--- and I read the stories of the lost sheep... lost coin... and lost son.
In that last story, a father has 2 sons. One of them asks for his inheritance early (his father isn't dead yet!)-- and he leaves his father's house. He squanders away all the money and is eventually living in the worst of conditions. He decides to go home and apologize to his Dad. Here's what I read that just melted me today (verses 20-24):
..."and he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father ran and embraced him and kissed him. And the son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son. But the father said to his servants, 'Bring quickly the best robe, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet. And bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate. For this son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.' And they began to celebrate."
I've read that story (of the father and his sons) MANY times over my lifetime.
But for the first time..... probably ever in my life....
In this season: I really, really identify with that son that leaves.
I was the daughter of my Father (God!), who grew up, loving Him and knowing Him and trusting Him---- but somewhere over the last few months, I have had times, here and there, of squandering my own inheritance, if you will.
Just like the son in the story, over the last few months I've had times of =
- not wanting to be obedient to the Father
- not wanting to trust Who He is- Who I've always known Him to be (good, faithful, loving, etc.)
- not wanting to be faithful to the Father anymore
- wanting to run away
- wanting to be satisfied in something else other than my Father's house and provision
- ETC!
I had a homecoming day.
And JUST like the father in the story.........
My Father came RUNNING for me.
He isn't mad.
He isn't upset.
He embraces me.
Welcomes me back into His house... treating me like I never left.
You see.. I've always read that story in Luke chapter 15 assuming that the son that goes off and blows all his money was a big idiot--- and he was probably always the "black sheep" of the family. He was always a "bad seed." He was the sinful, bad, party animal, free-swingin' wildcat who was definitely in need of a Savior.
In short = I assumed that son NEVER loved the Father-- He only really had his eyes opened after he came home after squandering it all away.
I never realized that maybe that the son grew up like a normal kid.
Working hard... playing hard.
Loving his Dad... trying to be obedient and faithful.
Maybe one day he just cracked. Got tired of it all. Bought into the lies of the enemy, whispering in his ear, "GO! Get out of here-- you know you'll have more fun and fulfillment somewhere else!"
And he did.
But when all the money was gone... and his heart was an aching, empty hole, he realized that he DID miss his dad. That he enjoyed being at his Dad's house--- that his Dad's provision---and presence!!!---was better than anything else in the whole world.
So he went home.
AND-- amazingly---BEAUTIFULLY-- was received with open, OPEN arms.
The last few months have, unfortunately, proved me a prodigal daughter.
Out in the world, squandering away my inheritance of faith/trust in the Lord here and there. Seeking fulfillment in very small, quiet ways in other things or other people.
But the Spirit is faithful to draw me... WOO me... back home.
And today marks my homecoming.
I was sort of lost...... but now I'm found. And I was met today (in that coffee shop, of all places!)... with open arms of my Father who LOVES ME. And who has never left me. Never stopped loving me. Never stopped being faithful. Never stopped pursuing me, beckoning me back home into His provision and His presence.
I pray for you this minute-- that you will take courage in my post.
That if you, too, are feeling like a rebel/runaway son or daughter... that your heart will take courage in knowing that our Dad loves us with a never-stopping, unbreakable, forever and always love that is covered in faithfulness and steady, abundant provision.
Know He's there... even when you're trying to run.
Know He loves you... even when you aren't sure you love Him back.
Know He's providing for you... even when everything feels like it's falling apart.
Know He will never stop being faithful to you... even if you are filling your heart with things apart from Him.
Know He will never stop pursuing you... whether you run home or not.
AND know that going home is the best decision you will ever make.
a party awaits you...
love awaits you...
full-up-to-the-brim LIFE awaits you.
p.s. if you just got done reading this, (1) Thank you so much for your time, cause this was LONG! and (2) Can I selfishly(?) ask you to please leave some kind of comment? Don't get me wrong: I don't blog for comments... I blog cause I like to share my life via the Internet/writing/pictures/etc. But this post really feels like I put my blood, sweat, & tears out there a little--- I just feel weird putting my heart out there without any feedback! I mean, if it was an in-person conversation, and someone dumps their guts out on the table.. isn't it a natural response to give a little feedback? I think it'd be weird if it didn't happen! So can I please ask you kindly to leave a comment? I'd really appreciate hearing whatever you have to say. THANKS!
Oh Ella, I loved your post! I feel everyone can relate to it. You've been through a lot the past few months. You are loved by our Father and me--and many other people!! I am so blessed to have you as one of my dearest friends. Thanks for being so open and sharing that! Love you!
Thanks so much for the encouragement, Pammie-- I love you dearly!!! Miss you!! Thanks for reminding me I'm loved by our Father-- I even needed that reminder again this morning! THANKS! <3
DeleteElla, it's been years since we've talked, but I wanted to thank you for your post - it was beautiful! It is so hard sometimes, but it's such a comforting thought knowing that He always loves us, no matter what. Thank you for sharing your beautiful morning!
ReplyDeleteThanks SO MUCH for taking the time to read and comment, Rebecca! :) Even though it's been a while since our days at Miami I really appreciate your sweet encouragement and kind words!!! I'm praying blessings on your day today, friend! :)
DeleteHey Ella, if you didn't ask me to comment I probably wouldn't have. I'm glad you did though. The truth is, I can completely empathize with EVERY word, phrase, and sentiment you shared...i feel like I'm constantly going up and down, and to and from Christ. I just lack consistency. Yet through it all, God is consistent with me-always there and waiting to welcome me back. Your transparency is sooooo encouraging...I'm so glad you shared :) Love you much, Kelly
ReplyDeleteTHANKS so much for your comment, Kelly- It's so wonderful that you can completely connect with my whole tangled mess of thoughts! :) Your words "lack consistency" REALLY resonate with me-- what a perfect way to put it!!! I'm praying for the both of us this morning that the Lord can bring a season of stability, consistency, and unshakable fellowship with Him into both of our lives! Love you, sweet friend!
DeleteElla... thank you so much for this. I also hear God's voice as harsh... the "I told you so" type things. When I read your description of what God REALLY says when we come back to him... "Laura, I am SO GLAD you're back! I've missed you!" It almost brought me to tears. I needed this today. Thanks for sharing your heart.
ReplyDeleteLAURA! so fun to hear from you!! :) I pray you are doing well-- I'm praying for you right now that you hear the Father's voice whisper encouragement (or shout it like at a party!) ;)... whatever you need today, I'm praying He provides in a big way! <3
DeleteElla, this post is so encouraging and challenging at the same time. So many times, I, too, hear the harsh lies of the Enemy instead of the sweet voice of the Lord calling me back to Him. I came to a coffee shop tonight to do some work, but think I will spend some time with my journal and my Bible first. Thanks for sharing your beautiful heart, for speaking the Truth, and for reminding me how loving and gracious the Lord's voice really is!
ReplyDeletePraying for you right now, Lindsey- that you are discerning the voice of the lies and crap from the Voice of Truth! (praying that for myself, too! I really NEED it in this season!) THANKS so much for you sweet encouragement!!!!!
Deletebeautiful. thanks for sharing your heart, dear ella!! i LOVED reading what God's up to in your life today :)
ReplyDeleteLOVE you Jenny!!!!! :) Thanks for taking the time in this BUSY crazy season of your life to read and comment! I'm so thankful for you---- praying for you and T right now! :) <3
DeleteI could say ditto to every comment that has been shared so far...with nothing new to add, just thanks for blessing me today by sharing the beautiful way God has wooed your heart. Such sweetness. blessings, my dear friend!
ReplyDeleteI'm SO GLAD we're friends, Kara! I dream of the day when I can sit down at a coffee shop and sit at your table and we can talk about the Lord together!!!!! Someday!!!! :) Thanks so much for your encouragement and kind commment! So thankful for you!!! Praying that God is wooing your heart today, dear Kara! <3
DeleteSweet Ella, thank you so much for being so vulnerable and writing this post. I know how it feels to open your heart and innermost thoughts to who knows who on the interweb:) But what you said was such an encouragement to me. I go through mini seasons of this and I know in the future I will think back to this and be reminded to not buy into the evil one's lies but know like you said that He's waiting (actually running) with open arms! Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteThanks SO MUCH for your encouragement, Lauren-- I am so thankful that the internet/facebook/blogging can bring connections in the Body of Christ that might not happen otherwise!!! Thanks so much for stepping in to read and spur me on!! I'm praying for you right now that you're experiencing the running/open-armed Father's love in your life today-- and that your relationship with SWEET S will continue to reflect that reality to your heart!!!!! <3 (She is so beautiful!) :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for your post. You will eventually realize we all go through times like you have described (more than once in our lives). Thankfully, the Lord is always waiting for us to return. I'll keep you in my prayers, and please do the same for me.
THANKS so much for your encouragement!! Praying for you and your whole family *right now*!!!!!! Thanks again for posting! <3
DeleteMy favorite words in the whole New Testament are in the story of the prodigal son ... you know the part where the son decides to go back home and ask his father if he can just be a slave and get something to eat .... and as he sets off on the journey we read that "while he was yet far away" the father is out there waiting for him and getting ready for him to come home.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you had a fabulous homecoming, Ella.
Love .... Julian xoxox
Thanks for rejoicing with me, Julian- and for sharing your own thoughts in the process. :) Thank you so much for taking the time to read and encourage- it means the world!!!! Praying for you today, dear pastor. :) :) :)
DeleteI love how you always make me think about familiar passages in a new with the prodigal son. I too always assume that the son never loved the silly of us to think we know what the Lord means! You are a treasure! I wish I could be sitting in a coffee shop with you!
ReplyDeletePraying for you RIGHT NOW that the Lord is showing you beautiful things about the Prodigal Sons story in your own relationship with your PRECIOUS, BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER!!!!! Congrats, dearest Kelly--- I love you DEARLY and can't wait to meet your sweet little baby girl! Loveee youuuu!! <3
DeleteThis is so good to read! I really really really feel what you're saying here... spiritual dryness and darkness and turning away is not a happy place to be (something I've blogged too much about!), but it always makes coming home finally soooo muuuuuch better!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you SO MUCH for the encouragement, Liesl! It just makes life all the sweeter to have people in the Body of Christ who really UNDERSTAND! And even better--- JESUS!--the Head of the whole Body-- He understands EVERYTHING! Cause He went through it all, too! How marvelous and wonderful that we have a Savior who was willing to come here and understand!!!!!! Praise Him!!! Praying for you today, sweet L!
DeleteElla, thanks for writing such a vulnerable, honest post. It was definitely of the Lord that I was directed to your blog today via my facebook newsfeed! I needed to hear myself a lot of the truth you shared. You are a sweet sister in Christ. :)
ReplyDeleteErin I am SO grateful for your friendship. That summer of 2007 (when we met!) had such a PROFOUND impact on my walk with Christ; I will forever look at you and some of the other brothers & sisters on that project as people that I am CONFIDENT that the Lord HAND-PICKED for me---- to shape and encourage and teach and spur me along like no one else on earth could! He's so good! Thanks so so so much for your post-- it was wonderful to hear from you! Praying you and your husband are having a beautiful day. <3
DeleteElla, I know I don't even know you well- we met just briefly in Rome, but this encouraged my soul. Thanks for your honesty. What I was thinking while reading this is how sometimes, I read the word for tidbits- things that I can pull out of my pocket the next time some well-intentioned person asks me what I'm learning from the Lord, but things that I don't actually care to know deep in my soul because they might change something in my routine, or [insert any lame excuse here]. How often do I neglect sweet time with Jesus in favor of some short-lived, shallow encounter... if it could even be called an encounter.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouragement today.
With love,
Kate Warren
KATE! thanks so much for your encouragement!!!!! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!!! Praying for both of us today, that we can read the Word to soak in what the Lord wants to teach us---- and not the other way around! That we would read with HIS eyes and not our own-- that He would truly be our Rabbi and teach us-- and that we would have the desire to sit at His feet and listen!! Much love, Kate- thank you so much for reading and writing! <3
DeleteSweet Ella, you always amaze me by your humility, vulnerability, and honesty. You are a treasure, and I thank you for stating truths that all of us need to hear. We have all been here before, are currently there, or will be in the future. God has used you to bring His message of love and forgiveness to so many through this post. Ti voglio bene, la mia cara amica!! Kish
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for reading and writing, in the midst of everything else you have going on, Kishie! I am SO GRATEFUL for your friendship-- it's truly unbelievable how 2 people can go for months without talking, and pick up the phone and it feels TOTALLY normal to just walk into your day in Omaha. No big deal. :) Thank You, Jesus, for such sweet friends and for uniting us even when time passes!!! He's so good!!!!! Praying for you today, Lauren!!!! Love you dearly!
ReplyDeleteI don't know you very well, but in college I was always loved how encouraging and genuine you are! And I loved that you were so honest in this. I can totally identify. I lost my way in seminary. Yes, studying theology and reading about God everyday took away time I just spent personally with God and by the time I finished, I was so full of guilt and shame because I felt farther away from God than I ever had. I felt like I need to recover from seminary and needed a restart. And I learned to take slow steps and trust in God's grace and faithfulness, not to be like "I'll spend 2 hours a day in the Word and be back in no time". Total performance based faith ridiculousness. Anyways, I'm rambling, but I was encouraged to read this and know you aren't alone in this!
KIMI! :) thanks SO MUCH for taking the time to read and comment! SO FUN to hear from you!!!! Thank you for your encouragement and THANK YOU so much for sharing your story-- I am sooooooo moved by your willingness to dump your guts out there and share your seminary experiences/how your walk with the Lord was affected-- THANK YOU for sharing even though we rarely talk! Gosh isn't the Body of Christ just amazing? He is SO, SO good to connect people and make us sisters-- regardless of how well someone knows another person or how many memories they share or whatever. Praise Him!!!
DeletePlease know I'm praying for you today, Kimi-- that you are continuing today on your path of recovering/restarting your times with Jesus- that He would be wooing your heart like CRAZY and making you fall in love with Him- the person of Jesus. :) Praying that He is blessing you and your husband today-- that you are growing closer to each other and to Him! Thank you 100 times over for sharing!!! <3