Monday, July 11, 2011

good quote about home decorating :)

sometimes i get suuuuuuuuuper overwhelmed when thinking about being a new wife and "nesting."  i feel like i have sooo many talented friends who r*o*c*k when it comes to making a living space look like a page out of a Pottery Barn catalouge.  and the craziest part of it all is when she says, "oh i just got that at a thrift store" or "oh i found it at a cool garage sale" or "oh i have an artistic friend" or whatever... the list can go on and on... and unemployed me, thinks to herself, "girl, do you have time/gas/money to search out thrift stores or garage sales & find that needle-in-a-haystack thing?" and usually the reality-check i give myself is, no, ella, you really don't right now, honey. 

so what's a girl to do?  

i want to have an apartment that's cutesy-tootsy and welcoming and shows off my style.

but what does a girl on a low-budget do when she doesn't even know what "her style" even is?!  henceforth creep in--- the feelings of overwhelmedness.

so praise the LORD that i finally read a quote that zing!-went to my heart & helped soothe my fears of being a horrid decorator/nester/whatever. :)

sweet melissa of The Inspired Room wrote,
"...But more than focusing on my decorating style and how amazing I might be able to make my home LOOK with lots of time staging or buying lots of stuff in a hurry for show, I like to focus more on my LIFE and let my style evolve as I experience the world around me."
ahhhh... preach, preacha'.  what a beautiful little sentence my heart needed to hear--- NOT just today--- but probably just in general, as i've been processing this idea of decorating for the last few years or so.

what do you think? :)  are you like melissa (and me, haha!) that have evolving styles?  or do you have a set pattern of how you're wired & what you're automatically drawn to?  is the concept of decorating a home overwhelming to you?--- or the most fun thing ever?  [if the latter, feel free to share any great ideas.] ;)


  1. yes mam :) Evolving is a great word...I think many times I want to be just like those friends, but in reality, that's not MY style. and I'm not sure what that is yet. As I evolve as a better wife and Zach and I's lives continue to evolve...the style will come out. I did get worried abou it...then I became too busy to really have time to worry about it. Praise God that He is BIGGER than our expectations of ourselves! - Beth Davis

  2. I so know the feeling! I get so discouraged when I go to someone's house and it looks like something from a HGTV show...and then I go home to my "old man" gold striped couch. But I want to be smart and buy things that I like and that will serve our family well for many years, ya know? I totally feel your pain! I love to look at for some ideas and have been looking up things to refurbish or change up. Heck girl I still have moose sheets hanging taped to my windows with blue painters tape...I just haven't been able to decide on my color scheme. Then I start to feel a little selfish and think- really Kel this is just curtains...there are bigger things in life! You are not alone! I think the same things about my clothes though too!
    Love ya,

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  4. try this website:

    i've gotten tons of ideas for my room at my parents house from it :)
