Sunday, July 10, 2011

wonderful whole wheat pancakes :)

when i lived in rome, pancakes were a staple in our apartment. there was NOTHING quite like waking up to a grande cappuccino & a fluffy stack of american goodness on a saturday morning. italy + america is always a good love affair. :)
however, now that i'm a doctor's wife, i'm not gonna lie... i sometimes feel the pressure to be "healthy."  let's face it.  a woman at 25-almost-26 isn't the same as she as at 15-going-on-16, either... so the need for healthy cooking & eating in my life isn't just because of dr. stoller. it's just plain GOOD for me.
therefore, i have started an obsession with whole wheat flour.
i'm sure any brand is okay, but i wanted my first-bag-purchase to be kind of special... so i went for it. the $3.99 bag of king arthur whole wheat flour.
and oh baby, it is good.
i adapted the classic 'piazza armellini pancake' recipe to fit whole wheat flour (the little particles are like sponges--they soak up liquid like nobody's business)!... and i am pretty pleased with the end result. 

whole wheat pancakes :) 

1 and 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
3-4 tablespoons brown sugar
2 tablespoons baking powder
1 and 1/3(ish) cups lowfat milk (i use 1%) :)
2 eggs (if using medium or large)... (1 is probably sufficient for extra-large or jumbo)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
a few shakes of cinnamon :)
2-3 tablespoons melted butter

mix all dry ingredients together well-- that means both flours, salt, brown sugar, and baking powder. [i use a regular table fork to make sure any chunks of brown sugar get disintegrated and incorporated into the flour].  add in 1 cup of milk and stir a little. you will definitely need at least another 1/3 cup of milk... but might need up to a 1/2 cup.  just use your eyes and see if it has "pancake batter" consistency. :)  incorporate the eggs into the batter, & add the vanilla, cinnamon, and melted butter.  give it all a final few whorls with your fork & it should be ready to go :)

look at this tasty (AND fiber rich) batter!
i used a martha stewart nonstick square griddle... you can use a fryin' pan or whatever you have. i tend *not* to grease the cooking surface, because frankly, my griddle surface doesn't need it, AND it just adds more cals! who needs that?! not this girl.
a perfect trifecta of whole wheat goodness.
for today, i decided these little hottie-cakes needed more than just syrup. they needed fresh-of-the-season fruit goodness!  i rinsed a few raspberries, added some powdered sugar (maybe 1/3 cup?!), microwaved for 30-40 seconds, and voila' = super easy, super fresh, fruit topping :)
OH PRAISE HIM! finished product, with (a hem..) a little whipped cream (how could i not?!?!).. but wait! it's okay, cause i used *turkey* sausage instead of regular (and fattier!) pork sausage. booyah.
if you haven't tried it, you MUST check out the *majesty* of meijer's organic food collection. it. is. GREAT. and so much cheaper than your run-of-the-mill organic goodies.  SO. DELISH.

all i can say after that is praise the LORD for His cornucopia of goodness that flows forth from the farmer's fields! :)  and!--check out these little pancakes-- you won't be sad you did. ;)

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