Thursday, September 29, 2011

Suzi Takes The Wheel

"why the weird title?" you ask. 

it could be the name of a new book i just finished and adored.

it could be a song title that i'm currently obsessed with. 

it could even be a blog title that i've recently started stalking/reading. 

but no------------ none of the above!  in fact, it's the name of a nail polish. ;) 

OPI's Fall 2011 collection includes an "American Touring" line up that has such hip, trendy, fun, absolutely yummy new colors.  slate grays, cameoflagey-greens, cheery salmons, and deep diva-ish purples are only some of the colors in this au courant color cornucopia.

i just got my hair cut (only 3 inches.. but still a big change for me)! :) and just like any brilliant marketing scheme: the OPI dazzling collection was featured right by the cashier. 

i couldn't resist!  after much deliberation, i decided on "suzi takes the wheel" - a gray with a hint of green-- and almost a tiny hint of blue in there, too!  isn't art (even nail art) fun?  it boggles me mind how a neutral color like gray can be infused with green and blue--- to the point where it's noticeable!  amazing.

check it out!  i'm in loooooove.
p.s. again, my dig. camera is still broken... those so aren't my acrylics above.  but my little natural nails are totes cute though, if i do say so myself. ;)

p.s.s. OMGOODNESS do you hear those jams pumping?  i try to update my playlist regularly. playlists are one of the thousands of things in this world that bring me joy. know what else tickles my fancy? dance parties.  so go.  let rihanna's beats pump through your veins.  get off your booty. and shake & bake it!!!!!!!! :)

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